Shape drawing - @blalansleven
I like creativity, but draw is not my favorite, although I can now say it better: was not my favorite.
Before December 5, I got the Grennn painting board gift. Actually intended for other things than drawing, but with young children drawing is really something that happens a lot.
At some point I immersed myself in shape drawing, something they do a lot in free school, but which is just as fun to do at home, even if you are wrong as a mother.
Shape drawing is putting beautiful lines and curves on paper with your free hand, often first "drawing" in the air with your hand and then making the figure slightly smaller so that it can eventually be printed on paper. Very good for development. After this you can always do this with a different color on paper in the same shape. This way you get a very nice palette of colors.
I used the beautiful pencils from lyra, fiber. These are in a beautiful pencil holder made of beech.
Never anything else for us, it is well-arranged and cleans up nicely.
The children learn very well to take one pencil and put it back before taking another.
This used to be different when everything was loose in a case.
Shape drawing is fun for kids from about 4, but it's mostly about the fun of making a figure in the air and trying to get it on paper.
It is also very relaxing for adults to do. †
I would like to thank Sabina (@blalansleven) for writing this blog. For more inspiration I would take a look at her instagram page - Melanie
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